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Welcome to farm life, where every chore doubles as exercise

Welcome to farm life, where every chore is also a step towards fitness.

Feeding the sheep requires transporting hay bales, burning around 70 calories in 10 minutes.

Walking the sheep involves a leisurely stroll, helping to burn about 40 calories.

Clearing soil to facilitate rain flow involves shovelling, burning 50 calories in 10 minutes.

Pruning hedges uses hand tools, trimming 60 calories every 10 minutes.

Picking fruit includes climbing ladders and harvesting, peeling off 45 calories.

Mowing lawns around the farm cuts through 60 calories.

Collecting fallen hay involves scooping and transporting it, gathering up 55 calories.

Feeding pigs and cleaning their area, a task that burns 80 calories.

Filling water buckets is a physical activity, pouring out 50 calories.

Washing off boots after work washes away 30 calories.

Climbing over gates as part of navigating the farm helps leap through 40 calories.

The farm walk in mud and hills for 30 minutes is a challenge, burning 200 calories.

Being outdoors on the farm means fresh air, sunlight, and a connection with nature, enhancing physical and mental health.

Comparatively, a walk around the neighbourhood for the same duration burns significantly less, approximately 150 calories, highlighting the intensive nature of farm work.

In total, today’s farm tasks have burned approximately 740 calories over various durations, significantly more than a neighbourhood walk.

Additionally, farm work offers unique benefits: improved mood, enhanced vitamin D levels from sunlight, and a stronger connection to the land.

Thank you for joining us to explore the physical and mental benefits of farm life. Until next time, stay active, embrace the outdoors, and cherish your connection to the earth.

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