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Getting inspired about carbon sequestration and sustainability initiatives

I’ve had an on-and-off interest in environmental issues for years. When An Inconvenient Truth came out, I felt called to action – I drove a hybrid, looked into solar and biofuels, and tried to walk the walk. But as priorities shifted, I let some of that fall away.

Now, after moving to a rural farm, I’m reconnecting with nature and thinking about climate issues again. A colleague recently recommended the documentary Kiss The Ground. Wow – it lit up something in me!

The film focuses on an agricultural technique called “regenerative agriculture” – using certain methods of grazing, cover cropping, and low/no till techniques to actually sequester carbon back into the soil, reversing climate change rather than just mitigating it. I was floored – the concept of drawing down carbon within our lifetimes with something as simple and available as proper soil management? What an eye opener!

It reminded me of another film I loved, The Biggest Little Farm, which details the evolution of an ecosystem on a regenerative farm. I was so focused back then on the human story, I didn’t fully grasp the climate implications. Now I get it! Between these films, Project Drawdown, and other resources, I’m feeling re-energized about what tangible things we can do to make a difference.

I don’t know why this spark went out in me those few years back, but I’m so glad it’s reignited. I’m looking forward to researching more about carbon sequestration through agriculture and seeing what potential it may hold. And I’m thankful to the scientists and farmers who have been continuing to innovate and work so hard.

Recommended Viewing and Reading:

  1. Kiss The Ground (Film)Link to the movie
  2. The Biggest Little Farm (Film)Link to the movie
  3. An Inconvenient Truth (Film)Link to the movie
  4. Who Killed The Electric Car (Film)Link to the movie
  5. Project Drawdown (Book)Link to the book

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